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Challenging and Responding Effectively to Prejudicial Language & Behaviour in School Communities 23-24 – 20 September 2023

Challenging and Responding Effectively to Prejudicial Language & Behaviour in School Communities 23-24 – 20 September 2023

by Hannah Richardson -
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This half-day course offered to both primary and secondary practitioners is in response to the significant rise in racist incident reporting in Hampshire schools over the last five years. Following discussion with teachers and pupils it has become evident that other prejudicial behaviours are on the increase also.

The course will clarify what constitutes prejudicial behaviour, useful procedures to follow and explore opportunities to challenge negative attitudes/behaviours using the curriculum and wider ethos of the school.

There will also be an opportunity to contribute to the development of a new Hampshire tool, designed to support schools in tracking these behaviours more effectively.

The course supports schools’ statutory duty under: - The Equalities Act 2010 - Fundamental British Values – SMSC.

This course will define what constitutes as a racist incident or racist behaviour. 

You will learn how to:

  • Record and follow procedure
  • Explore a range of initiatives to promote positive attitudes towards race equality and cultural diversity within the curriculum and wider school environment.

Search and book on the Learning Zone using keyword search: School Communities

Price: Sub £100 / SLA £55 / Full £120