Safeguarding Learning Lessons across Hampshire and the Isle of Wight January 2022

A duty placed on all partners and agencies through Working Together to Safeguard Children is that case reviews are undertaken when a child has died or been seriously harmed and when learning can be drawn from that review, to inform and improve practice. We know that all education professionals are committed to protecting and safeguarding children and young people and seek both to learn and secure improvement wherever possible. Agencies have a responsibility to share the recommendations from case reviews and to respond appropriately to them. Local case reviews are published on the local safeguarding partnership websites which can be found here: HSCP and here: IoWSCP. National reviews can be found here: NSPCC learning library

The attached paper highlights some of the more recent recommendations from case reviews undertaken locally and puts them into context for education settings. Additionally, it draws on recommendations from safeguarding reviews undertaken in schools, to further enhance the opportunity to learn from findings and reflect on practice.

Headteachers, Principals, Early Years Managers, Designated Safeguarding Leads and Chairs of Governors or their equivalent are asked to ensure this paper is distributed to all staff and governors, as part of their responsibility to keep abreast of local safeguarding updates.

We do hope that you find the paper accessible and helpful and that it supports the further enhancement of strong safeguarding practice across the education system locally.