The Hampshire Assessment Model page has now moved!

The Hampshire Assessment Model resources page has been relocated on our Assessment Moodle site and is now available via our Moodle+ subscription. This gives you access to Moodle+ areas across twelve different sites, offering schools a wide range of high quality resources for  subject leads and teachers for all key stages in Primary and Secondary. 

Further information regarding our Moodle+ offer is available here. If you would like to take out a subscription, please add your details to the 'waiting list' on the Learning Zone, providing an email contact for future correspondence regarding Moodle+. Once your application has been processed we will be in touch with your school's User ID and password.

Remember to take advantage of our Early Bird discount which we are now extending to the first 200 schools that sign up!

If you have any issues with signing up via the Learning Zone, please contact Penny Herridge For all other queries regarding Moodle+, please contact Katie Scott