Increasingly, leaders are reporting a need to secure stronger practice at breaktimes and lunchtimes to ensure that pupils – particularly disadvantaged pupils and those with SEND – can be successful and effectively transition back into class.
This 2-part course aims to:
- Share a range of practice from Hampshire primary schools.
- Explore the pros and cons of different approaches and the challenges to implementation.
- Support schools in developing breaktime and lunchtime practice that best meets the needs of their pupils.
Session 1:
A virtual briefing, sharing practice collated from Hampshire primary schools.
Session 2:
A face-to-face session to reflect on learning, problem solve, share experiences and support schools in developing practice.
Search and book on the Learning Zone using keyword search: Effective Breaktimes
Price: Sub £150 / SLA £85 / Full £180 Split across financial years.
Part 1 – Sub £75 / SLA £45 / Full £90
Part 2 – Sub £75 / SLA £40 / Full £90